Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No (big) John Chow Effect :-(

Finally, there was no big John Chow effect. I was expecting much more traffic from my Wavumi Entrecard being displayed one full day on the John Chow Dot Com blog :-(

You can see that the 13th of December was even not my highest traffic day!

It's #1 on my Wavumi Entrecard statistics, but still not very impressive. Taking into account that a 125 x 125 Button Sponsorhip on John Chow Dot Com blog costs $500/month, I was expecting much more traffic... Maybe it was not a good day!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Bug in the Configuration is Fixed ;-)

There was a bug preventing you to update the configuration of your Widget :-( But, it is now fixed ;-) Thus, you can again change the font, the width, the number of readers, the background, the title and the link colours of your widget. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

If you find another bug or encounter any difficulties with Wavumi, please let me know by sending a (short) e-mail to wavumi@gmail.com.
