I have a good, a bad and a sad news!
The good news is have there are 5 Wavumi members! Many thanks to:
- oldman - The author of the Oldman's Blog
- scottfrog - The founder of strawberryfrog (see below)
- scott - StrawberryFrog is at the vanguard of the blossoming advertising scene, blazing a trail with unfettered energy, breakthrough strategy and creativity and fresh ideas.
- jarodxxx - A French speaking Web Developer
- LyteByte - Lyte Byte is bringing you the Latest News and Information on Science, Technology, Computers, Internet, Web 2.0 and Gadgets along with Tips and Tweaks.
The bad news is that only oldman installed the Wavumi Widget :-(
And finally, the sad news is that oldman removed the Wavumi Widget :-((
Anyway, I will continue to improve Wavumi! Let's be optimistic, 5 beta testers in one night for the very first draft of the beta version is not so bad ;-) What I am missing a bit is feedback, thus do not hesitate to comment. Many thanks in advance...
Hey how does it work??? I signed up but didn't see any article on how it works :( So didn't do anything after that????
Hello Mr. Byte,
Thanks again for your registration ;-) First of all, you can now see your name within the "Recent Readers" list of this blog. Secondly, you can install the Wavumi Widget on your site to see your readers from the Wavumi Community. You just have to copy paste one line of code where you want the Widget to appear. The line of code is:
<script src="http://www40.brinkster.com/
?id=[Your Wavumi ID] type="text/javascript">
WARNING: If you copy-paste the code above, be careful to rearrange it as ONE line of code within your HTML source.
where [Your Wavumi ID] should be replace by your Wavumi ID as you can see it on the "Recent Readers" list of this blog.
As you suggest, I will write an article to explain this in more details.
Many thanks for your feedback, I am impatient to see the Wavumi Widget on your site with my name in your "Recent Readers".
I am willing to try this the widjet can now be seen on my blog http://website-management.blogspot.com/.
I do suggest you make the widjet a bit better looking. Its also a very big box.
Tom Boyd
Another quick idea is have it so you don't see your own name on the list when you go to your own site! heheh
Hope this helps
Hello Tom,
Thanks for your registration, and thanks a lot for your feedback!
1. Regarding the looking (and in particular the size) of the widget, I am planning to make it configurable from the Wavumi site. The idea is that you should not have to change the code you have copy-pasted!
2. I will implement it shortly ;-)
This kind of feedback helps me a lot!
(sorry i don't realy spek english)
i just have install the vavumi's widget, but the design of your widget is very bad !
And somme thing are absent ...
How retrive youre widget when you lost it ?
Who is this persons on my widget ?
I think, i will keep it for test it, but you need to preform your application ;)
I just signed up and reviewed Wavumi. I am responsible for MyBlogLog Sunday, and thought it was interesting to see this project being born. Hope it works, MBL is good but not perfect.
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